Financial Solutions, Auditing Services, Tax Registration

Tax Advisory & Compliance Services in the UAE with JYWA Settlers

Financial Audit services in Dubai

As the United Arab Emirates continues to evolve as a global business hub, the intricacies of its tax landscape have become increasingly complex. To thrive in this dynamic environment, businesses need reliable partners who can help them navigate these complexities effectively. JYWA Settlers stands out as a leading provider of tax advisory and compliance services in the UAE, offering comprehensive solutions that align with the Federal Tax Authority’s laws and regulations. This article delves into the value and scope of JYWA Settlers’ tax services, highlighting how their expertise can benefit your business.

Understanding the UAE Tax Landscape

The UAE’s tax system has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) in 2018 and Corporate Tax in 2023. These changes necessitate that businesses stay up-to-date with new regulations and compliance requirements. The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) is the governing body responsible for implementing and enforcing tax laws in the UAE, ensuring that businesses adhere to these regulations to avoid hefty penalties and legal complications.

The Importance of Tax Compliance

Tax compliance is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Legal Obligations: Compliance with tax laws is a legal requirement. Failure to adhere can result in fines, penalties, and legal action.
  2. Financial Health: Proper tax planning and compliance can optimize tax liabilities, improving a company’s financial health.
  3. Business Reputation: Compliance enhances a company’s reputation with stakeholders, including investors, customers, and regulatory bodies.
  4. Operational Efficiency: Effective tax management allows businesses to focus on their core operations without the distraction of tax issues.

JYWA Settlers: Your Trusted Tax Advisory Partner

JYWA Settlers has established itself as a trusted name in the field of tax advisory and compliance services in the UAE. Their team of experienced tax professionals is dedicated to helping businesses navigate the complexities of the UAE’s tax landscape, ensuring compliance with the FTA’s regulations.

Comprehensive Tax Advisory Services

JYWA Settlers offers a wide range of tax advisory services tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses operating in the UAE. Their services include:

  1. Tax Planning and Strategy: JYWA Settlers helps businesses develop effective tax strategies that minimize liabilities and maximize savings. This includes identifying tax incentives, deductions, and credits available under UAE law.
  2. VAT Services: With the introduction of VAT in the UAE, businesses must comply with various VAT regulations. JYWA Settlers provides VAT registration, filing, and advisory services to ensure compliance and optimize VAT management.
  3. Corporate Tax Compliance: The implementation of Corporate Tax in the UAE has introduced new compliance requirements. JYWA Settlers assists businesses in understanding these requirements, preparing and filing tax returns, and ensuring timely compliance.
  4. International Tax Advisory: For businesses with international operations, JYWA Settlers offers advisory services on cross-border tax issues, transfer pricing, and double taxation agreements to ensure global tax efficiency.
  5. Tax Dispute Resolution: In cases of tax disputes with the FTA, JYWA Settlers provides expert representation and dispute resolution services to protect your business interests.

Expertise and Experience

What sets JYWA Settlers apart is their deep expertise and extensive experience in the field of tax advisory. Their team comprises seasoned tax professionals who stay abreast of the latest developments in UAE tax laws and regulations. This ensures that clients receive accurate, up-to-date advice tailored to their specific needs.

Navigating VAT in the UAE

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a crucial aspect of the UAE’s tax system. Implemented on January 1, 2018, VAT applies to most goods and services at a standard rate of 5%. Businesses must register for VAT if their taxable supplies and imports exceed AED 375,000 annually.

VAT Registration and Compliance

JYWA Settlers provides end-to-end support for VAT registration and compliance. Their services include:

  1. VAT Registration: Assisting businesses with the VAT registration process, ensuring all necessary documents are submitted correctly and on time.
  2. VAT Returns Filing: Preparing and filing accurate VAT returns to the FTA, ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements.
  3. VAT Advisory: Offering expert advice on VAT-related matters, including the application of VAT on specific transactions, exemptions, and zero-rated supplies.
  4. VAT Audit Support: Providing support during VAT audits conducted by the FTA, including preparation of necessary documentation and representation.

Optimizing VAT Management

Effective VAT management is essential for optimizing cash flow and minimizing tax liabilities. JYWA Settlers helps businesses implement best practices for VAT management, including:

  1. Input VAT Recovery: Identifying opportunities to recover input VAT on business expenses, thus reducing overall tax liabilities.
  2. Cash Flow Management: Advising on strategies to manage VAT-related cash flows, ensuring that businesses do not face liquidity issues due to VAT payments.
  3. Compliance Monitoring: Regularly reviewing VAT compliance to ensure that businesses remain compliant with changing regulations and avoid penalties.

Corporate Tax Compliance

The introduction of Corporate Tax in the UAE marks a significant shift in the tax landscape. Starting from June 1, 2023, businesses in the UAE are subject to a 9% corporate tax on their net profits.

Corporate Tax Services

JYWA Settlers offers comprehensive corporate tax services to help businesses navigate this new tax regime:

  1. Corporate Tax Registration: Assisting businesses with the corporate tax registration process, ensuring timely and accurate submission of required documents.
  2. Tax Return Preparation and Filing: Preparing and filing corporate tax returns, ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements.
  3. Tax Planning and Optimization: Advising on tax planning strategies to minimize corporate tax liabilities and optimize tax efficiency.
  4. Audit Support: Providing support during corporate tax audits, including preparation of necessary documentation and representation before tax authorities.

Strategic Tax Planning

Effective tax planning is crucial for optimizing corporate tax liabilities. JYWA Settlers works closely with businesses to develop strategic tax plans that align with their financial goals. This includes:

  1. Profit Allocation: Advising on profit allocation strategies to ensure that profits are taxed efficiently.
  2. Expense Management: Identifying deductible expenses and advising on expense management to reduce taxable profits.
  3. Tax Incentives: Helping businesses take advantage of available tax incentives and exemptions to minimize tax liabilities.

International Tax Advisory

For businesses with international operations, navigating cross-border tax issues can be challenging. JYWA Settlers offers expert international tax advisory services to ensure global tax efficiency.

Cross-Border Tax Issues

JYWA Settlers provides advisory services on a range of cross-border tax issues, including:

  1. Transfer Pricing: Advising on transfer pricing policies and documentation to ensure compliance with international tax regulations.
  2. Double Taxation Agreements: Assisting businesses in understanding and applying double taxation agreements to avoid double taxation on international income.
  3. Tax Residency: Advising on tax residency issues and helping businesses establish tax-efficient structures for their international operations.

Global Tax Efficiency

JYWA Settlers works with businesses to develop global tax strategies that minimize tax liabilities and ensure compliance with international tax regulations. This includes:

  1. Tax Structuring: Advising on tax-efficient structures for international operations, including holding companies and subsidiaries.
  2. Repatriation of Profits: Advising on strategies for the repatriation of profits to ensure tax-efficient transfers between jurisdictions.
  3. Compliance with International Standards: Ensuring compliance with international tax standards, including OECD guidelines and BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) initiatives.

Tax Dispute Resolution

In cases of tax disputes with the FTA, JYWA Settlers provides expert representation and dispute resolution services. Their team of tax professionals works diligently to protect your business interests and resolve disputes efficiently.

Tax Dispute Services

JYWA Settlers offers a range of tax dispute services, including:

  1. Representation Before Tax Authorities: Representing businesses in disputes with the FTA, including preparation of necessary documentation and communication with tax authorities.
  2. Dispute Resolution Strategies: Advising on strategies for resolving tax disputes, including negotiation and mediation.
  3. Appeals and Litigation: Providing support for tax appeals and litigation, including preparation of appeal documents and representation in court.

Protecting Business Interests

JYWA Settlers is committed to protecting your business interests and ensuring that tax disputes are resolved in a timely and cost-effective manner. Their expertise in tax dispute resolution helps businesses navigate complex tax issues and achieve favorable outcomes.

Why Choose JYWA Settlers?

JYWA Settlers stands out as a leading provider of tax advisory and compliance services in the UAE for several reasons:

  1. Expertise and Experience: Their team of seasoned tax professionals has extensive experience in the field of tax advisory, ensuring that clients receive accurate, up-to-date advice.
  2. Comprehensive Services: JYWA Settlers offers a wide range of tax services, from VAT and corporate tax compliance to international tax advisory and dispute resolution.
  3. Client-Centric Approach: Their client-centric approach ensures that services are tailored to meet the specific needs of each business, providing personalized solutions that optimize tax efficiency.
  4. Proven Track Record: JYWA Settlers has a proven track record of helping businesses navigate the complexities of the UAE’s tax landscape, ensuring compliance and maximizing tax savings.


In the ever-evolving tax landscape of the UAE, businesses need reliable partners who can help them navigate complexities and ensure compliance. JYWA Settlers stands out as a trusted provider of tax advisory and compliance services, offering comprehensive solutions that align with the Federal Tax Authority’s laws and regulations. Whether you need assistance with VAT registration, corporate tax compliance, international tax advisory, or tax dispute resolution, JYWA Settlers has the expertise and experience to help your business thrive. Partner with JYWA Settlers to maximize your VAT compliance and efficiency, and ensure your business is optimized for growth in the UAE.